Friday, September 4, 2009

19;29 and 1044

Hey all,

So today I found out what theater company I will be working for in the next 12 weeks. Their name is Nineteen; Twenty Nine. They describe themselves on their website as:

nineteen;twentynine are a theatre company who specialise in making work in undiscovered or under-explored spaces. They interrogate the atmosphere and heritage of these spaces and make performances in response to them.

So make that into what you will. I will be doing more research on the company over the weekend. I have my interview with them on Tuesday, September 9th. Their website is I would be working on thursdays and fridays from 9-5.

and the Journal:
4/9/09 11:15 At a break for the orientation at Imperial College. I received a new Oyster card which gives me free range on the tube and bus system in zones 1-2. Also, I received my class schedule . Mondays 10-1 World of the Play. Tuesdays 12.30-3.30 British Mass Media and 5-8 Travel Writing. Wednesdays 9-12 with David Ingram on his class yet to be announced. I really would like to drop British Mass Media and switch it to British Cinema. It seems more beneficial towards my interests. Also. I wonder if there is a way to take a British History course while I am here. While touring around, I realized I know very little about this Island's history, when it is chalk full of it. On the 10th, there is a production of the "39 Steps," an Alfred Hitchcock story, performed only by 4 actors. (According to David Ingram.)

5:24PM Sitting in Southwark Cathedral for what I thought was Choral Evensong at 5:30. The church/parish was home to William Shakespeare while he was at the Globe Theater just down the road. It is the oldest Gothic cathedral in London. and there has been a church or santuary there since 1044. I came too late to purchase a photo permit, but there are some simply stunning bronze memorials here of Shakespeare, former bishops and saints that are life size. John Harvard was baptized here in 1607, and they have a chapel dedicated to him on the northside of the cathedral.
5:55PM No Choir today, I think the boys do not begin their season until later in September. How dreadfully dull that service was! Said Evening Prayer. Everyone, including the Priest just mumbled through the prayers and never looked up. It was more of a routine than worship. I sat next to an elderly priest who knew all of it by heart. Again, routine, not worship. Welcome to the Church of England! I must come back here when there is a choir. It will be surely more eventful.

7:00PM Riding on a double-decker red bus towards Picadilly Circus. After Church, I walked down the Thames past the Globe Theatre and across the millennium bridge. Quite windy but what a view of St. Paul's. Really just blew me away. The number on the bus is 23. I transfer to a number 10 near Hyde Park Gate. I am currently passing through Trafalgar Square. This defiantly is a nicer and easier way to tour the city, especially with the unlimited Oyster card.

11:37PM I went to the store after getting back to Kensington. Purchased some chicken, peppers, and greens, and cooked up some stir-fry. After it as cooked, I added some horseradish sauce to the mix and really gave to a good kick. And a bottle of wine to go with. Crazy amounts of people in the common room trying to figure out what to do or where to go for the night's festivities. It was funny though, it seems that cooking actual food will be a rarity for these other students since they were surprised when I started to cut up an onion. I have another bowl waiting for my for lunch tomorrow. I'm pretty psyched. Tomorrow is tours and "39 Steps." We shall see what comes of it. Cheers!


  1. it doesn't matter what anyone else thinks, you are a very special boy and you stir fry better than anyone, so they can all eat erasers :p
    miss you

  2. You might be a special boy, Seth, but maybe along with British history you might pick up some English grammar and spelling:

    you wrote: "I wonder if there is a way to take a British History course while I am here. While touring around, I realized I know very little about this Island's history, when it is chalk full of it."

    It's "chock full" as in "chock full of nuts," which is an American coffee, much beloved by starving actors and theater people in NYC who can't get day jobs as secretaries or typists because they cannot SPELL.

  3. I wrote that but it corrected me to Chalk for some reason. So i just went with it
