Sitting presently in the Minster, I can see all the glory of this building. Families are here, old couples. Men and women who have probably sat in the same seat for many years and decades. Sadly, the East window is being refurbished for the next ten years, so a large life-size image is hung in front of the scaffolds to show what the window will look like. I am here for two services this morning, starting with Eucharist and then Matins. At the Matins, the choir is singing Stanford's Te Deum as well as Parry's "I was Glad when they said unto me."
14:45 On the bus back to London. So todays Matins was kinda amazing. It was
"Matins and North Eastern Circuit Annual Service:
Attended by Her majesty's Lord Lieutenant High Sheriffs
Her Majesty's Judges, Magistrates and
Members of the Legal Profession"
There were alot of wigs, both the small ones for the Lawyers as well as the large below the shoulder wigs for the Judges. There were many different types of robes; purple, green, blue, and red. Some of them looked very similar to St. Nicholas. Along side were old men in tights carrying swords (which I saw throughout the day on the streets of York) looking very similar to Robin Hood. The Mace as well as an Epic sword were carried in. And all of this was done with a fanfare of Police Trumpeters that had banners hanging from their horns. At the end of the service, we sang "God save the Queen" and it was truly spectacular!
I found my way across town to find Nick and Tina at Clifford Tower where we walked to Evil Eye Lounge to have a Sunday roast. And, as always, It was delicious and filling. we continued a condensed Snickerway tour toward Clifford's Tower stopping at a hardware store, that has a badass gothic entrance, as well as a fudge shop for a free sample. At the top of Clifford's Tower, the Castle of York, We saw an amazing view of the City and of the Minster. It really was a great trip and I hope to get back there if time permits sometime before I leave to the states, but the weekends are already running out!
Best post of the blog, I'd say! Glad you had a good time in York, not that I doubted for minute that you would. The Minster is fantastic and impressive and amazing, possibly my favorite building I've ever seen or been in. I'm loving reading your blog, even if it makes me really nostalgic for jolly ol England, and can't wait to read the rest of it for the next two months!