Thursday, October 22, 2009

Alison's House and on my way!

Tonight, I saw an amazing show written by Susan Glaspell. For those who don't know her work, start reading! I admit, I had not heard of her either, but She ranks among Eugene O'Neill in importance to American Theater. In fact, it was her and Eugene that wrote for a theater in Provincetown together. The show itself is about the poems of Emily Dickenson. It is set on the the eve of the new century, December 31st, 1899. The Stanhope family (Dickenson) is selling the house that Alison (Emily) lived and wrote in. The play debates whether her works and poems are for all the world to share, or a private matter, kept inside the family. It is about an old generation facing a new one. Very touching and moving. I highly recommend reading more of this playwright, because More Brits know about it than Americans, and thats just not right!

And a few hours time...I am off to my journey to Europe! A few things; I will not have my phone so do not try to call. I will not have my computer either but I will have my iPhone which can pick up wifi when available. So if you need to contact me for any reason. Please the best way is to email me, or Becca Chelton, for I will see her thursday. I fly to Venice in a few hours, where I will stay for 1 night and 2 days. Saturday night/Sunday Morning, I am off to Rome for two days, to sleep in a hostel one night, and a train the next on my way to Zurich. I will not sleep in Zurich, but after a day's exploration, will jump on another train to Berlin. In Berlin, I will stay for one night and leave the next day for Copenhagen. On All Hallows Eve, I will be taking a train to Dusseldorf, where I will fly back to London the following morning, Sunday, November 1st

The Hostels I am staying at are:

Absolut Venice, Santa Cruce 1094
+39 334/ 6808059
+39 347/0701833

Youth Station Hostel- Rome via Livorno n 5
+39 06 44292471

Generator Hostel Berlin, Storkowerstrasse 160 d 10407
+49 (0) 304172400

So see you all back here in November. From London, I'm Seth Thomas. Ciao! Tschuss! Cheers!


  1. Next time I go into the library, I am picking up a copy of 'Alison's House.'

    I would recommend you check out any of Ronan Noone's plays as well as any by Michael Murphy that you can find. Noone does plays about small-town Ireland while Murphy takes the actual transcripts from speeches, trials, etc. and adapts them directly into plays.

  2. pictures are great - looking forward to the text!
